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Solo exhibition in Pigment Gallery (Barcelona). June 2018.

Solo exhibition in Joan Lao Design Studio (Barcelona). July 2018.

Collective exhibition in Pigment Gallery (Barcelona). September 2018

Private collection of the Vilacasas Foundation by the Can Framis Museum.

Solo exhibition in "Gran teatre del Liceo" (Barcelona). November 2018.

Solo exhibition in Pigment Gallery (Barcelona). May 2019.

World Paper Gallery (Barcelona). May 2019.

Collective exhibition in Pigment Gallery (Barcelona). July - August 2019.

Collective exhibition in Pigment Gallery (Mallorca). August 2019.

Permanent exhibition in Can Framis Museum. (Barcelona). October 2019.

"Doble Textura Geomètrica Empordà" selected for 2019 Painting Prize.  Fundació Vila Casas. (Barcelona). October 2019.

Collective exhibition of the finalists of the "2019 Painting Prize"  in Can Framis Museum. (Barcelona). October 2019.

"Dualidades". Collective exhibition in Pigment Gallery (Barcelona). January - March 2021.

Solo exhibition in Vilacasas Foundation. Can Mario Museum (Palafurgell). February - May 2021.

Collective exhibition in Parrote Gallery (Pontevedra). December 2021 - January 2022.

Collective exhibition in Parrote Gallery (A Coruña). December 2021 - January 2022.

Solo exhibition in Parrote Gallery. Fundación Pons (Madrid). February - March 2022.

Solo exhibition in Parrote Gallery. Fundación Pons (Pontevedra). June - July 2022.

Collective exhibition in RED Gallery (Palma de Mallorca). September 2022.



Kunstrai. Amsterdam (Holland). April 2018.

North Kunstmesse. Aalborg (Denmark). September 2018.

St art. Strasbourg (France). November 2018.

Art Montpellier. Montpellier (France). December 2018.


LA Art Show. Los Angeles (EEUU). January 2019.

Art Market. San Francisco (EEUU). April 2019.

Kunstrai. Amsterdam (Holland). April 2019.

Art BodenseeDornbirn (Austria). June 2019.

Contemporary Istanbul. Istambul (Turkey). September 2019.

Estampa. Madrid (Spain). October 2019.

St art. Strasbourg (France). November 2019.

M17 Contemporary Art Center (Ukraine). 2019

Art Madrid. Madrid (Spain). February 2020.

Virtual Contemporary Istanbul Live. Istambul (Turkey). December 2020.

Estampa. Madrid (Spain). October 2022.

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